How Much Are We Spending on our Military Industrial Complex?

$923.3 Billion

As of June 2024, this is how much our US Senate is proposing for the National Defense Authorization Act Budget for FY2025. It is an additional $28 billion over what the House budget proposed and $37 billion more than the FY2024. In fact, the number this year was so high, the Senate needed to approve an amendment (which they did) to go beyond a legislative cap. 

It is important to note that the NDAA isn't the only military expenditure.   One-third of our National Debt comes from prior wars and other additional military spending is scattered through other departments.

Admittingly, it is hard for any of us to grasp just how much money we are talking about. But Our Funds has developed a series of factsheets, videos and a powerpoint presentation that provides comparisons to more clearly illustrate the magnitude of spending and what domestic needs we Marylanders could have if the military budget was cut back. 

The National Priorities Network offers an interactive trade-off calculator that allows you to see how much your specific county spends and what could be bought instead. 

Take a moment to explore these options. If you want more information or would like us to provide a presentation, please contact us.

Click here to try out  the National Priorities Project calculator

2025 Proposed Discretionary Budget (graph)

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Maryland's support to Israel's MIlitary (beyond Federal budget)


More Coming Soon

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

 President Dwight Eisenhower